New lovely girls! WEEE!

After my copywriter looked over my book again, she mentioned my Lovely Girls could use a little more diversity. 

SO.. i spent a few hours, and just finished making these new "Lovely Girls" to add to my book. I LOVE them!!! I can't WAIT to show you the book progress this coming week! :)


Foodie Friday: Vegetarian Dum Sum House

One of the most MAGICAL things you can say to me is "Would you like to go get dim sum?" To add an extra rainbow and a few extra happy dances, tell me it's VEGETARIAN dim sum. I guarantee you're gonna get BIG a hug!!

The Vegetarian Dim Sum House in Chinatown did NOT disappoint! 

I honestly didn't even know vegetarian dim sum existed until my friend Laura told me about it!! And it was KILLER! Our friend Anne knew EXACTLY what to order, and between the 5 of us, we ordered about 12 delicious bites of goodness to pass around the table. The BEST-EST part of dim sum is that it's always super inexpensive. I think we all paid $10! We left, full, satisfied, and with money to spare! It was glorious!

I really have to ask Anne what we ordered so i can give ya'll some tips, but for now, if you're visiting and craving some inexpensive asian food, head to Vegetarian Dim Sum House!! 

Lets talk [book] PROGRESS friends!!

Goodness friends... i've wanted to write for ages, and I'm just SUPER crazy busy and haven't been able to!! I'm over the moon with how incredible and generous my friend Caitie is. I had the BEST copy writing session with her last Friday morning, and am SO stoked to have drawn some new doodles for my book. I just finished round TWO and THREE of edits! Only a couple more rounds! PHEW!!!

I think i've FOUND the printer i will be using. I'm still waiting for his e-mail about shipping costs but if he IS my future printer, then the books will potentially be ready, printed and shipped in four weeks time! Ahhh yay!! 
I'm also working on a journal to go with the book which i'm SUPER excited about!! I'm hoping that will be ready in the next month too! 
Ahhh soo many fun things!!

PS: For now, my eyes are PEELED looking for a suitable printing place... but please let me know if you have any suggestions!!

My heart HURTS: Ned Vizzini.

The very FIRST book i think i EVER completed in my ENTIRE [reading] LIFE was a book called "Teen Angst Nahh" by Ned Vizzini. I was 19 years old. Today while compiling references for my book i looked him up to see what he's up to and see that he committed suicide in December. I'm seriously freaking out. It makes my heart SO SAD

Almost all of his book were about his struggles with everything from body image to depression, including a book called "It's Kind of a Funny Story" about his actual experience in a psychiatric hospital. I will be forever grateful for his books helping me becoming a human, and it hurts my heart to know i won't be reading another one of his books. 

 He had a wife and child...

While perusing the internets, i found a bunch of nice articles about him today. Here's a few of them.. 

Now.. it's off for me to FINALLY finish my encouraging book. I feel more then ever this week HOW important this book is!!! 

Sadly... but still encouraged...

The time i showed my 92 year old aunt and 90 year old uncle my book!!

When i was home visiting my family a week ago, i had the PRIVILEGE to show my best friend, my 92 year old Aunt Kiki my book! Moments later, my Uncle George came in and wanted to read it too!   

My heart SOARED while they were reading it, my aunt chatting with me about each page, while my uncle *TAP TAPPED* on the table to send him another chapter like i was a bartender refilling his beer.

Afterwards, my Uncle kissed my forehead and said he nearly cried reading it. As a strong man of few words, this MADE week? LIFE? I can't even tell you, but i was floored with happy during this moment! 

These moments are why this hard life is worth it!! I can't even express to you HOW excited i am about my book!!

This is just the beginning!! 

Foodie Friday: Stella 34

I hate shopping with a PASSION!

I hate trying things on, i have trouble spending money on things that aren't necessary, and most importantly, i hate the THOUSANDS of people who are at Macy's at every hour of the day!  [welcome to NY!]

The shining LIGHT in my most recent trip to Macy's was when boy said 'Okay Love, after you try on these pants, lets get you a treat!'

He found a quaint restaurant cafe on one of the floors called Stella's, and we ordered a big chocolate chip cookie, along with a peppermint tea for me. As we were paying, i noticed the word CHERRY in a biscotti and well, we just had to get that too! 

The cookie was full of chocolaty goodness, and soft, which was just what i needed. And man, am i glad i got the biscotti! It was DELICIOUS. I mean, the kind of delicious that makes me want to go BACK to Macy's!! [craziness!!]

They have a full restaurant, with a decent looking menu, and all the pictures on their website looks amazing. SO, if you need a break from the CRAZINESS called Herald Square Macy's, head over the Stella 34 for a break!! [and get the biscotti!] 

Happy Foodie Friday friends!
-Jenipher :)

A post where my heart explodes with THANKS.

Good GOLLY friends!! I'm in AWE. I'm BURSTING at the seams and I am SO THANKFUL!!! My Kickstarter has been up for LESS than a week and i've been supported SO MUCH. I want to cry with excitement!! 

Who knew i'd come so far from being a sad, depressed, hopeless person!! If i can do it, EVERYONE CAN!!!! For serious! I just know this book is going to help so many people, and i can't WAIT to see it's effect!! 

I still have 27 days left and i have COMPLETE faith that i will be ready to print, and fully funded by then! But i would LOVE your help! If you think this will help anyone you know, [or even those you don't know!] please share it!! :) 

AND.... Share this doodle, tag it #doodledream and you can Win a print!! yay!!!

Thanks so much friends! You're helping my #doodledreams come true!

Jenipher :)

Join Our Magical Campaign: Unicorns Buy Local and Handmade!

I teamed up with the wonderful and talented Karen of Markets Of New York City to create this campaign to remind everyone to BUY LOCAL and HANDMADE for the holidays!
Download Me and Share The Message!
Who can resist a Magical Santa Unicorn? Nobody, that’s who!
Please Join Us!
Please share this image via your social media pages. We even made you an image you can pop use for your Facebook profile picture!
Feel free to right click and download this image and spread it far and wide this season!
Santa Unicorn says, “Be Magical!! Buy local, handmade holiday gifts!”
You can find thousands of special gifts in the Holiday Markets of New York City!

Bemagical FB Profile Image
Download For Your Facebook Profile!
Download Me and Share The Message!
Download Me and Share My Magical Message!

Who's READY for a BOOK UPDATE?!?

Bout time right!?!

Since my last post I've been writing like CRAZY!!!! 

Last Tuesday night I went to a lecture about children's book publishing. After hearing HOW LONG it took, and how much the editors might change, i left there thinking...


That night, i couldn't sleep because i was so stoked. I came up with a whole Kickstarter plan and have been ready and working on the book like MAD since that evening! 

This book is WAYYY too important to wait two years, and i'm not willing to part with my title i've come up with OR my illustrations.. so LOOK OUT WORLD, this book will be ready by February! 


If you're interested in hearing more about when the book will be published, or about the Kickstarter campaign, please let me know! :)

As always, THANKS for reading!!
- Jenipher 

YOU. dear friend. Have a PURPOSE.


In a world where it's hard not to compare yourself, and feel like you're just moving through the motions, I wanted to encourage you...

I'm a TRUE believer that we all have different purposes. Your purpose is just a passion that makes life feel 'right'. Everyone's is different from one another! It can be anything from having an illustration business, to cooking delicious meals every night. Traveling and exploring new places, to sharing and telling people about your adventures. A purpose can be anything that allows you and others to share joy

Once you find what your passionate about, life feels even MORE fulfilling. 
My PASSION is the Book i'm writing.


Hope you are having a GLORIOUS Monday!!
-Jenipher :)

Holy Moly! I'm Back!!

Goodness, it's been SO BUSY since i got back home from my wedding/honeymoon adventures! I've wanted to blog to share SO MANY exciting things, but there hasn't been much time. But REST ASURED! Tomorrow i will posting a DELICIOUS foodie Friday post!! 


Saves The Day, Saved MY Day!

If you've been reading my blog for a while you know that i've posted about Saves The Day, quite a few times.
:: here :: 
:: here :: :: here ::


So right now... as you're [maybe?] reading this, i'm on my way BACK to NY from my honeymoon. [weeeee!] First stop??

 Sayreville, NJ to see Saves The Day!!

It's our FIRST married show!! And we're both SO SO excited it gets to be Saves. :) 

So excited! 
Talk to you tomorrowish folks!!


Tomorrow. I'm getting 
:: m.a.r.r.i.e.d :: 

I wouldn't be able to do a THIRD of what I do without this boy.  He's generous, encouraging and the MOST loving person. I'm so thankful for him, and hope that whoever is single, that your patient and wait for your perfect counterpart. It's REALLY worth the wait!!!!

 It's SO crazy! After months of planning, lots of stress, and a VERY TRUTHFUL greeting card created... I get the PLEASURE of getting married to my best friend. 

You're stuck with me love!! Forever!!

I leave you with wisdom that i've learned by getting engaged... 


Happy weekend friends!!


Foodie Friday: Cyclo in Long Island City!

Foodie Friday is BACK!!!! 
 ( at least this week! )  

This week i'm going to tell you about one of my FAVORITE meals in New York. The restaurant is called Cyclo and it's a quaint Vietnamese place in Long Island City.

I present to you the "Vermicelli Noodle Salad" with marinated tofu.

This stellar bowl is FILLED with thick, flavorful tofu, crunchy crushed peanut, fresh crisp lettuce, and thin glassy noodles. A sweet and slightly spicy dressing comes on the side, but you'll pour all it on [because it's wonderful.]

If you want a light and fresh meal, and your in the Long Island City area, i highly recommend this salad!

Writing a Book, Encouragement, and putting on your BIG GIRL panties!

This post by Elise and Emma from "A Beautiful Mess" was a great post to learn about pitching, and getting pitched a book. It was really eye opening actually...  

Our blogs are our platform. In the past few weeks i've been working REALLY HARD trying to blog with intention more, which sometimes 

just seems like more pressure. 

I'm not quite at the blog worthiness as Jess Lively with her living [ and blogging ] with intentions but i'm working on it!!

Encouragement from friends and family have helped a lot too. I STRONGLY recommend you share what's in your heart. The people who care about you will help you out SO MUCH, and it's a complete blessing!!

Please remind yourself of this! EVERYDAY! And i'll be doing the same.
Have a WONDERFUL week!


HOLY CUTE nesting tables!!

So, i couldn't continue working a second longer without posting HOW AMAZING these nesting tables are!!!

Ahhhh Elsie and Emma did it again! These are GORGEOUS! I wish i had the supplies [and room] to make them!! 

Sigh.. okay... back to work for me!

I'm off to the woods for the weekend so i'm leaving it to you to do something fun and creative for me!!

Happy Thursday friends!!

Mummies, DRY Humor and silly doodles, oh my!

Mike Lowery is super awesome, punny, creative illustrator! 

Never have i found another illustrator who seems to have the same ridiculous mind as me, and when i found Mike's work last year i was super stoked. 

The best part? 

When i took Lilla Roger's "Make Art That Sells" class a couple months ago, Mike was one of the 1st artists that was interviewed. And it was HILARIOUS. I wish i could share it with you! [...but alas i can not]

It's such a blessing to find artists who have similarities to your work because it gives you HOPE

And now i have a little more hope that one day, my time will come, and i'll be able to truly say, "oh my job? i'm an illustrator" and mean it 100%.

Have a creative day friends!!

My work was PUBLISHED!!!

Ahhhh!!!!! I'm SOOOOO EXCITED!!!!
My 'Lovely Girl' was published inside Zooey Magazine

 "Zooey has thrived as a collaborative magazine covering topics like female entrepreneurship, DIYs, entertainment, the modern lifestyle (vintage-inspired), and much more. Zooey doesn’t serve as a guideline as to how one should live, but rather as an inspiration to brighten paths, days, and to shed light on the power in all women. "

I submitted in a WHILE ago and didn't actually know if they'd put my doodle in the magazine, and i CERTAINLY didn't know i'd get a FULL page!! I'm just.... over the moon!! 

The BEST part?? 
Elsie and Emma from A Beautiful Mess are on the cover!! How amazing!!! 

I see this as the FIRST of many features in the future! 



Every once in a while, you have one of those weeks...

Every once in a while, you have one of  weeks... one of those LIFE AFFIRMING, AMAZING things happening, opportunity FILLED weeks... and it's SUCH a blessing. And you sit back at that end of the week, and you think "Goodness. I'm so thankful that i'm on the right path'. 

This week was NOT one of those weeks...

HAH just kidding! It totally was!! 

I mentioned Story NYC a few months ago when they carried my onesies! Well, once a month they have a pitch night, and i was determined to talk about my brand AND my book!

And it went SWIMMINGLY!!!
I'm so thankful! I don't exactly know what this means yet with Story NYC but i am very excited for the possibility!

Being a nervous, scared, but VERY ambitious girl is working to my advantage! KEEP WORKING HARD! Seriously!! Things with come to fruition when the timing is right!! 

And THAT is my encouragement this lovely Friday!! 
