Don't Rain on my Doughnut.

Rebecca from Rebecca Bouche is a delightful artists from New Orleans. She draws and paints with an emotionally folksy style, and i love it! She says it better then me in her mission statement.

"I have created my sensibility and style of artmaking out of a love for crafty, sugary, folk, organic, honest, whimsical objects and settings. I am often exploring a metaphor for something that is essentially human and vulnerable."

All of her work is really great, so go check out her Etsy and see which one is YOUR favorite?

I've been blogged about! Huzzah!

Yesterday was a wonderful confidence filled day.

I had an acquaintance-y friend tell me that my nightly doodles are a daily part of his Facebook reading routine.

My co-worker told me i was really talented when i showed her some random doodles i did while working.

AND....i was featured in a blog! Huzzah!! What a lovely day!

Mission Possible.

Elke has a neato blog and Etsy shop. On her shop "Sweet Twee Lab" she sells home made kits and other fun items, and on her blog she posts daily "random word" etsy pickin's. The word she choose to find my lovely astronaut was "possible".

The coolest part about her is that she is a scientist by day, and a crafter by night. I LOVE it when folks have the brains and the crafty talent. That's so exciting to me! It seems you have the best of both worlds. :D

Thank you so much for featuring me. I appreciate it. :D

One Year Ago [today]....

One year ago today [but really yesterday for the first image] we were doing this REALLY amazing series at my church called "Relent and Respond" where we learned to really evaluate the way we love ourselves, each other, our families, and learned to work with our communication and relationships.

It was a brilliant series and came with a note book to really jot down your thoughts, with questions.

You were supposed to join a team of people and discuss it with them. After the 2nd service, two of my closest friends and I went to this little "old people" diner across the street and had a great meal [Grilled Cheese! Fresh fries, salad] I tried Okra and "fruit cup" for the first time.

It really was a fun night.

Aqua Copper Necklace

I also suppose i started my "Copper Collection" series this week, one year ago. And this spiffy necklace/earring set came about!

Aqua Copper Earrings

Aqua Copper Set

SAVE $10.00!! :D [[huzzah!]] day, while creatively stricken, i decided to art journal for the VERY first time. This is what i was oh so thankful for, one year ago today...funny...some things never change, and some things you'll never write down again. Life is a crazy circus.

Calorie Free Breakfast

If you didn't know by NOW that i'm a sucker for anything food related, craft or not, then seriously, go back and read a few posts!! :D

So, I couldn't NOT blog about this as i hopped upon the front page of Etsy right now. So cute and funny!! I love it! Shebbo Design has some other fun, and funky pieces as well. Go check them out! :D

Baby Goals...II

Hello friends....I hope you are having a good start of your week! I'm actually feeling very crummy right now. I think i have a stomach flu. Blah! I've been in bed most of the day, but spending a lot of time reading online has been quite enjoyable. Not quite practical but ah well.. :D

So.. goals.... :D

I have put 4 items on my new supply shop, have taken pictures of all my nightly doodles, but not uploaded them, and have forgotten the rest. least it's a step in the right direction!

I guess that's a good start. I'll keep working on it.

Have you accomplished anything stellar this week??

Tell me about it!

Smiles and Blessings,

JENipher :D

Handmade Love.

These lovelies made my day brighter. I hope they brighten your day as well. :D

Holy cow! THIS. IS. GORGEOUS!! These floral bouquets are made out of Vintage brooches, and made by Amanda from Fantasy Floral.

I love love love this image, but i can't remember where it came from. Does anyone know??

These treats look too good NOT to post! She makes lots of other goodies as well. Her shop name on Etsy is called Jaynel Hollis.

How stellar is this hand carved stamp!? All of her [Sugar Skull 7 on Etsy] stamps are oh so detail oriented which are awesome. Check them out!


Peace and Blessings,


Your Hair Will LOVE You

Emily from Emily K Botanic Studio has A-MAZING treats for your hair. She customizes beautiful floral goodies for your hair, wrist and other wedding treasures as well. Emily is a floral designer by day which you can tell really enhances her ability to create lovely floral works of art.

How long have you been crafting?

Ever since I can remember. My mom is a crafter so she always had me working on a some sort of project. The first craft I ever sold was at a local art group sale, and they were icicle Christmas ornaments made out of beads. I was probably around 5 or 6 at the time.

Did you always craft in this genre?

No, not at all. When I was a child, I would design ornaments or draw pictures. As a teenager, I fell in love with painting on canvas which I still love to do. Also, I've always had a great passion for decorating interiors.

Who or what inspires you?

famous painters/artists, my artsy friends, nature, going to the flea market, traveling, my family

How do you over come your creative blocks?

I take a road trip to visit a friend, go for an intense mountain bike ride, or visit an art gallery.

What defining moment made you decide to turn your hobby into a business?

I've always wanted my own craft/art business but never really knew when, what, or how. After working as a floral designer at a high end florist and making people happy with my wedding designs, I knew wedding work was my niche. I love the work, and there's always a high demand in this market.

What challenges have you found while taking your craft into the business world?

The biggest challenge for me right now is trying to work a full time job as a floral designer while still doing custom wedding orders on etsy.

If someone from out of town were visiting you, what key places would you bring them to? (galleries, coffee shops, parks, museums, etc)

I would definitely give them a tour of the Greenbrier which is a world class historical resort (also where I am a floral designer). I would also take them to the Greenbrier River trail for a bike ride or walk, the flea market on Tuesday morning, the Irish Pub in historic Lewisburg on Pub Quiz night, The Wild Bean coffee shop for an organically grown salad, and Valley View for a round of golf.

Thank you Emily! I loved learning more about you! Craft on! :D

If you'd like to see more of Emily's pretties, head over to her Etsy shop and say hello. I'm sure she'd love to hear from you.

Your Hair Will LOVE You

Emily from Emily K Botanic Studio has A-MAZING treats for your hair. She customizes beautiful floral goodies for your hair, wrist and other wedding treasures as well. Emily is a floral designer by day which you can tell really enhances her ability to create lovely floral works of art.

How long have you been crafting?

Ever since I can remember. My mom is a crafter so she always had me working on a some sort of project. The first craft I ever sold was at a local art group sale, and they were icicle Christmas ornaments made out of beads. I was probably around 5 or 6 at the time.

Did you always craft in this genre?

No, not at all. When I was a child, I would design ornaments or draw pictures. As a teenager, I fell in love with painting on canvas which I still love to do. Also, I've always had a great passion for decorating interiors.

Who or what inspires you?

famous painters/artists, my artsy friends, nature, going to the flea market, traveling, my family

How do you over come your creative blocks?

I take a road trip to visit a friend, go for an intense mountain bike ride, or visit an art gallery.

What defining moment made you decide to turn your hobby into a business?

I've always wanted my own craft/art business but never really knew when, what, or how. After working as a floral designer at a high end florist and making people happy with my wedding designs, I knew wedding work was my niche. I love the work, and there's always a high demand in this market.

What challenges have you found while taking your craft into the business world?

The biggest challenge for me right now is trying to work a full time job as a floral designer while still doing custom wedding orders on etsy.

If someone from out of town were visiting you, what key places would you bring them to? (galleries, coffee shops, parks, museums, etc)

I would definitely give them a tour of the Greenbrier which is a world class historical resort (also where I am a floral designer). I would also take them to the Greenbrier River trail for a bike ride or walk, the flea market on Tuesday morning, the Irish Pub in historic Lewisburg on Pub Quiz night, The Wild Bean coffee shop for an organically grown salad, and Valley View for a round of golf.

Thank you Emily! I loved learning more about you! Craft on! :D

If you'd like to see more of Emily's pretties, head over to her Etsy shop and say hello. I'm sure she'd love to hear from you.

Musical Masterpiece!

How incredible are these ukuleles! Oh my gosh..I literally stopped what i was doing to blog about these! [which is a rarity for me]

These beauties are hand-made by Celentano Woodworks. A gentleman in Ashville North Carolina.

Wow...okay. So there you have what i found most inspiring on this fine Sunday. I hope your having a lovely, inspiring one as well!


JENipher :)

I <3 cooking.

I love cooking. I love crafts, and i love how many beautiful things you can find on the internets. Check out these three very talented folks! :)

Taylor's Typographical Art Posters

I truly love all things for the kitchen and this poster is just stellar!

I love the mixture of type and images.

This little miniature kitchen set up is somewhere I'd love to dine! She has loads of other fun miniature images.

Michele Maule is one of my favorite artists. I'm not even a coffee drinker, but this print makes we wish i did. :)


Mucho smiles,

Talented Artists + Baked Goods = Fun Art Market!

Jess from Son of a Gun had a really fun little market today called Colonial Market. I met some amazing, talented girls, had a fun time with my friend Stephanie and introduced Cherry Runway to some lovely folks. :)

Setting up my table is becoming more fun which is a lovely thing indeed! Alas, my table needs a total refresher course, if you have any ideas please let me know! :)

Foot Twins

Christina and I were foot twins..only her injury made mine look like a silly accident. Goodness..i hope you heal soon Christina!

Sara and Stephanie

Sara from Lily Flys Garden makes really fun jewelry for such affordable prices. I bought a sweet little headband from her too!

Stephanie from Polka Dots and Daisies Bakery
makes such amazing cakes and treats! Her cupcake pops were incredible and so tasty!


Teresa makes really sweet greeting cards, mustache pops, and jewelry!


Miranda had pretty jewelry, paintings and yummy sweets!

Pineapple Cupcake

Mmm...Miranda made this delicious pineapple cupcake, with a real pineapple slice and strudel on top. :)


Christina from Feather Head makes really cute barrettes with her friend Aaryn!

Alyson from Design du Jour

Alyson from Design du Jour makes adorable purses and flower hair clips.

Stephanie is super awesome, and woke up SUPER early to come to my house at 6am to get to the show.

I had a really great afternoon, and hope I get the privilege to see all these amazing ladies again. I am SO game for a craft day! Let me know when you're interested in having one! :)

The only time it's okay to be Bossy!

I glaceed upon an adorable little felt piggy from Bossy Felt Works around the Holiday time and have finally wrote to the ladies to tell them how much i love their crafts! Bossy's is a three lady cooperative who's crafting lives make me envious. It seems that not only are all of these women incredible talented, but have such a wonderful friendship, and a great supportive family. It's a crafters dream come true!

Bossy Feltworks.

"On a good day at Bossy's, you'll find Amy, Kari and Mandy all gathered around the kitchen table, accompanied by piles of wool and cups of tea. Their four girls are playing upstairs, or maybe out in the play yard with the two puppies, while the two elder dogs snore under the table."

How long have you been crafting?

There's three of us in Bossy's Feltworks. Mandy and I have been crafting for as long as we can remember, and were both looking for a home based craft business. Amy has been crafting since we tried out making felt balls three years ago.

Did you always craft in this genre?

Amy is a specialist, having come into crafting via needle felting. Mandy and I have tried most craft genres between us. We both went to art school, but stayed more on the crafty side of things. I would say that we three are basically fearless in the face of craft materials. Between us we can figure out how to make what we're thinking of, whether it's for the business, for our girls, or gifts for family.

tableofsheep copy

Who or what inspires you?

First off, we inspire each other. We have bounced thousands of ideas off of each other in the last three years. We work together on Tuesdays and try to surprise each other regularly with a new product. Etsy inspires us immensely. We love seeing what other crafters are creating and reading about sellers in the Storque. Our girls (we have five girls between us) inspire us with their handmade requests. We must also say that a good cup of tea and some chocolate have done as much for our business as anything else!

What challenges have you found while taking your craft into the business world?

We came up with our craft specifically to start a business. Instead of morphing a hobby into a business, we were looking specifically to use wool from Amy's farm to make a product that could be sold at the local farmer's market and on the Internet. With three of us, we were able to not only divide the tasks of starting a business, but also to thoroughly discuss our decisions.

Our greatest challenge is time. We are mothers of small children, and many things in our lives come before crafting.

Other info

We started Bossy's Feltworks in March 2006. We are just about to have our third season as weekly vendors at the Orcas Island Farmer's Market. We joined Etsy in December 2007.

So head over to Bossy's, and check out their gorgeous felt pieces! Say Hello to Kari on Etsy, she's a doll!

Have you met your dream home yet?

Melissa from "Little Pink House" creates the home of our dresms with needle and thread. She's extreamly talented, and has created so many lovely homes. Your dream home can be reproduced from a photograph, or from your dreams.

Little Pink House.

How long have you been crafting?

I have always loved to make things--I have been an avid drawer my whole life, and I'm the kind of person who hates to buy anything I can make myself. (I haven't purchased a greeting card in probably a decade!) When I become interested in anything--any new skill, whether it's craft related or not--I kind of attack it until I get it right.

Did you always craft in this genre?

No--sewing is pretty new for me. I started with hand sewing about eighteen months ago. You ought to see some of the ridiculous softies I made--a particularly wonky, thrifted-pillowcase duck with ragged seams was my first effort. I took up a kind of free-style embroidery loosely based on crewel techniques about six months ago, and since then I've been mainly working with wool felt, cotton fabric, and embroidery floss.

Who or what inspires you?

My nine year old daughter is, as far as I'm concerned, one of the most creative and talented artists I've ever known. I wish I had her imagination and natural skill. I also find endless inspiration on etsy--so many incredibly talented artists. I am particularly fond, right now, of the work of Ashley G., michelemaule, Roadside, woolandwater, and my in-the-flesh friend Jennifer Judd-McGee of Swallowfield. Obviously, houses also inspire me!

What challenges have you found while taking your craft into the business world?

Honestly, I find the sales model offered at etsy to be pretty darn simple. I have had no illusions about getting rich from this work--for one thing, it takes too long to produce, so I'd never have the volume needed to make a lot of money. I'm amazed by the opportunity to make and share things and constantly surprised by the fact that people want to buy them. It's delightful. I'm sure that if I decide to expand my business, I'll encounter new challenges. For now, I'm having a blast.

Please make sure to check our Melissa's blog and etsy. And be sure to see this inspiring post about her work "behind the scenes"!!


These are a few of my favorite things...

A few of my favorite things...

a) Saving lives during the day, and creating during the evenings, EMT Sweeetie makes intricate, yet delicate greeting cards.

b)Sadly, there aren't many items on the "Lucky Little Dot" page. But what does have are really cute. I can't wait to see the rest of her collection!

c) I can't say much about the amazing work of Sarah Jane that most of you wouldn't already know. Just when you think she's make the sweetest little print you've ever scene, a few days later, there's another on her site that takes your breath away.

d) Lindsay from "dot dot dot"makes really cute cards, wall hangings and wreaths. I was captivated by her sweet style last year, and have been intrigued since.

e) Holly from "Gollybard" makes really unique prints. Make sure to also check out her other shop too called "The Beehive Press".

f) I am a sucker for color. And these awesomely colorful bags and wallets from Lusitania were lovely for the eyes.

Baily Doenst Bark

Baily Doesn't Bark

While looking for Valentine's Day inspired items, I have recently (along with MANY others) stumbled upon "Baily Doesn't Bark". Re Jin is an truly inspiring, taking something as simple as home wares and creating amazing imagery. The most inspiring thing of all is a statement from her website.

"Re Jin began her career as a fashion designer and stylist. Though she loved working in the fashion industry, she eventually longed to return to her artistic roots of drawing and painting."

Artists who end up in a wonderful field, loving their job and life, and still manage to feel the pull to being them back to their original calling, is what i strive for everyday.

Make sure to look at her other pieces such as her "Ants on my Plate" setting.

New Creations!!

It's time's finally time to post more goodies i have created.

Took long enough eh?


Crystal Woodland Collection


Deep within the woodlands are tiny treasures. Treasures that glisten in the sun like crystals...

Oh wait. They are crystals. Swarovski crystals to be exact.

I quite enjoy this set. I have had it for a while, and just had trouble making the photograph as desirable as it is in person.

These earrings (and necklace set) are Bohemian chic! Two sky colored metal rings present a Copper leaf charm. An allure of opaque Siam Swarovski crystals hang pridefully free on Copper accents. Copper lever back ear wires help keep these earrings secure.

Sandy Beach Dangle

Sandy Beach Dangle

It's warm and balmy. Your walking through the silky sands barefoot, enjoying a cool breeze. You have a cool drink in your hand, and you are loving the nice soothing atmosphere.

While you may not be able to physically be at the beach whenever your heart desires, this necklace will help take you to your favorite beach, mentally.

Sandy Rose freshwater pearls showcase a clear resin pendant laced with sky blue accents. Aqua Wonder Beads, Aquamarine chips, and glass dangle swim a top. This necklace is just a smidgen under 16 inches, and has my signature heart toggle and cherry dangle.


I'm quite happy how these pieces came out, photograpicly...finally! I've had many days of trouble with these two gals. :)

From Joon To You..

As i mentioned yesterday Joon from Flying Housewife posted a treasury including my "Mission Possible" necklace. I've been reading her blog and checking out her Etsy ever since. Joon is a house wife that creates handwritten letters. Her theroy is that everyone enjoys getting letters. And, i'm sure she's right. :)



Below, Joon explains it must better then I could.

"I have this dream of taking a leisurely trip around our country. Along the way I will meet and chat with people. On a park bench. In the local hardware store. Perhaps in line at the post office or standing at a street corner waiting for a green light. People from all walks of life with life experiences to share. That would be heavenly. And I'd write a book and share the stories with the world. But, I cannot do that right now. Maybe not ever. So, I am starting here. Making connections, shortening the distance with words on paper. And on a smaller scale.

This listing is for one handwritten letter, from the heart, from me to you*. Each letter is individual and I could never describe it ahead of time, however, here are some general guidelines:

I will hand write the letter in ink and include one fine art postcard from my collection along with a clipping, small handmade paper art or similar fine art related enclosure. {It's a surprise.}"


She sounds really intriging doesn't she? So, head over the Joon's etsy page, enjoy her fun sense of humor, and read about her themed letters.